Custom Foot Orthotics
Orthotics can help to alleviate and control a number of foot problems, including heel and arch pain, plantar fasciitis, flat feet and bunions, posterior tendonitis, shin splints, metatarsalgia, and neuromas to name a few. Their use is often prescribed as a highly successful, practical, and conservative approach to many foot problems.
These custom prescription orthotics require a three-dimensional impression of your foot, or a casting method. This is different from what may be called a ‘custom’ orthotic, which uses computerized pressure information to make adjustments to a pre-manufactured insole. Our office uses a neutral suspension, non-weight bearing plaster cast method, where in essence, a 3-D mold of your foot is made as a template for the orthotics.
Our laboratory provider for custom orthotics is Paris Orthotics, out of Vancouver, British Columbia. Following a casting appointment, the plaster mold of your foot will be sent along with the doctor’s prescription to make a pair of orthotics specially designed to help your feet. Functional foot orthotics are very effective at alleviating many painful pathologies of the foot.